So, Mia got to go to work with Justin for a couple of hours one day this week. Going to work with Daddy is a little treat that all of our daughters get from time to time but Mia has never really been old enough to take until now. While there, I received a steady stream of quotes from Mia via text from Justin. They are too funny to not share! She is such a character! In no particular order:
"Hey Dad, wanna see me put my whole fist in my mouth?"
"Hey, Dad: I'm going to flick a piece of cookie at you, OK?"
"Hey, Daddy, let me hear yo' ringtone."
"Hey Daddy, I want you to eat this cookie."
"Hey Dad, I can say 'ringtone' without moving my lips....'wingtone.'"
"Hey Dad, watch me pinch my lips together and try to talk....'mmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm.' "
"Hey Dad, wanna see me fill up a whole page with mini 'A's?"
"Hey Daddy, do you see my 'A' masterpiece?"
"Hey Dad, do you see my whole face is covered in A's {while holding said masterpiece in front of her face}?"
"Hey Daddy, is there anyone that doesn't love pink?"
caught my eye + deals 1.31.25
6 days ago