Candy-covered Oreo Ghosts
aDoRaBle {and easy} class treat!
Justin, Maggie Sophie, Hannah, Bella & Mia
aDoRaBle {and easy} class treat!
Hannah's class recently held student council elections. Below is the speech she gave and a picture of one of her campaign posters. The speech, written entirely by her, was quite cute {I mean, who doesn't love crazy hair day & wacky glasses day?} and, more importantly, she won!
Hi, my name is Hannah Spicer and I want to be your class president. I’ll think of fun ideas for fundraisers and superb ideas for school days. For example, crazy hair day, wacky glasses day, inside out day, you get the point.
Here are some reasons why you should vote for me: I am organized, I get good grades, I will try not to miss any meetings and can bring spectacular ideas to Pilot Butte.
School is not always the way you want to spend your time but I will try to make it a little bit more enjoyable. I will give you a voice and let you all be student council members by listening to your ideas or suggestions
If you don’t want to share any of your ideas out loud, come to me. I can also solve any problems you might have. I will stand up and or defend you in any situation. I am the person you can count on in a crunch. And that’s why you should vote for me as your class president.
Justin and I have recently started a new dinnertime tradition with the kids. After we say grace, we go around the table and each share a "gratitude" and try to think of at least one way we helped someone else that day. The idea is to start focusing on being more grateful and focusing on others and not just ourselves.
It really is so sweet to hear some of the things they come up with and it really showcases their different personalities. Tonight, Sophie was thankful for the chicken that gave it's life so that we could have dinner {always the animal lover}; Hannah was thankful for her friends; Bella was thankful for her family; and Mia was thankful for the curve that God put in her foot that allows her to dance. As for ways in which they helped others, Sophie talked about helping clean up in the lunch room; Hannah helped a friend with some school work; Bella also helped a friend with some school work and Mia helped a friend on the playground.
There are moments as a parent that you find such profound joy and gratitude. For me, tonight was definitely one of those moments!