The Spicer clan has been down visiting family in Colorado Springs since Wednesday, celebrating Hannah's ninth birthday on April 3rd and generally enjoying a short vacation from the cold and snow in Wyoming.
Today is Easter, and as expected it's been a wild one for us. The kids were up at 7:00 a.m. and ready to go, while the adults were desperately seeking just a few more minutes of peace and quiet; that was not to be, however.
Apparently in Colorado Springs, the Easter Bunny prefers to hide his eggs outdoors. This happened very early this morning while the children were all pretending to be sleeping in their beds. However, when hard-boiled eggs are hidden around the front lawn and allowed to lie there for several hours, other interested parties may choose to participate in the hunt. And that's what happened; a furry animal of some kind found several of the eggs and scarfed them down, leaving only a little bit of colored eggshell as evidence. I expect that some nice family let their dog or cat back in this morning, unaware of the crimes that their beloved Fluffy had perpetrated. I also expect that Fluffy, soon after entering the house, deposited evidence of these same crimes on the living room rug. That's karma for you.
In general, the kids were as wound up as I would have expected, but Mia was beyond excited. She was shaking so bad before sugar intake she could barely dig through her basket. The kids all received a book and a stuffed animal or two, as well as other small gifts. They also have a chocolate bunny (or as Mia prefers, chocolate shauzé, which is a previously-unknown French or Italian or Portuguese word for onset of diabetes). We have had to remove Mia's bunny from plain sight, as she is determined to eat the whole shauzé before brunch. The rest of the girls have all squirreled their Easter candy to their own hiding places. And Petey-poo, Maggie's parents' miniature Schnauzer, has consumed at least a pound of delicious jelly-beans. I am confident that he will not be allowed back inside until later in the day, which is fine because he is running laps around the back yard right now.
We did decide to forgo Church today in favor of a more leisurely breakfast and morning, followed by Easter brunch at the local buffet restaurant. Maggie's grandmother and (hopefully) brother and sister-in-law are supposed to be joining us as well. I hope they made enough macaroni and cheese, as we tend to gravitate towards that at most restaurants. After we get back, it will be time to start repacking for the trip home on Monday.
caught my eye + deals 1.31.25
1 week ago
hehe frank thought that was hilaurious