Today's topic on Oprah:
The many factors that affect happiness: money, marriage, children, etc. This episode including discussions on how to find happiness, how to get more of it in your life, the happiest places to live, etc. During this discussion a psychologist tells Oprah that having children often thwarts people's happiness {at least for a period of time}. He goes on to explain that this is largely due to the fact that it now costs an average of $250k to raise a child.
Upon hearing this Hannah quickly does the math and says "Holy moly, is it really going to cost that much to raise us!?!"
To which I reply, "Yes, you guys are expensive! Maybe we better get rid of a couple of you."
About this time, Mia chimes in, "Mom, you have
AWESOME kids! Don't get rid of us!"
"You are right, I guess I'll keep you all!"
This makes me laugh... Happy Day!