Meet my new arch nemesis:

the bobby pin.
Why you ask would such a simple, unassuming hair gadget be such the bane of my existence? It seems that Sophie, Hannah, Mia & Bella have all taken to using these in their hair - every day. We use them to pin our bangs back, to pin various pieces of hair back and sometimes, I think, just to stick them in our hair for fun.
Here is the problem, they end up EVERYWHERE except back from whence they came. Mostly they seem to end up sticking out of the carpet. That's fun. Fun to be walking across and nearly impale yourself on a bobby pin and walk not even 6 more feet and do it again. But my personal favorite is vacuuming, which now feels somewhat like vacuuming a land mine. Bobby pins randomly shooting out of the vacuum at warp speed, hitting various body parts and even the dogs! I now need full body armor to get this chore done and if the dogs weren't afraid of the vacuum before, you should see them run now!
So, here I find myself making a ridiculous statement:
"if I find one more bobby pin laying around, you are all cut off from their use indefinitely!"
HeHe, the world of girls! That is one problem that I don't have!