So, Mia has some sleep issues. At the ripe old age of four and a half years old, she rarely stays in bed all night and I don't mean to imply she gets up once in a while. Oh no, we are talking she is up numerous times, so many that you lose count. Her reasons for getting up are as numerous as the times she gets up. She needs a drink, she needs to go potty, she has a blister, she had a bad dream, there is too much light, her nose hurts, there is too much dark, she wants her stuffed animals moved because they are scaring her and my personal favorite, she needs her back scratched! After trying many things {
ok, after making some idle threats}, we decided to devise a chart the emphasized positive reinforcement. A sticker chart. Each row has four boxes and for every night that she stays in her bed all night, she earns a sticker. After four stickers, she earns a prize. Her prize of choice, a shake. Great, I thought! So easy! She's excited about it and agreeable to it. The first four nights go off {basically} without a hitch. She earns her first "prize" and everybody is feeling happier, because everybody is getting more sleep. Fast forward to today, week three of the flopping chart idea. I am looking back at those four, glorious, short-lived nights of sleep longingly. Mia has informed us she "has a great idea!"
Hmmmm, I am thinking. "How about I stay in my bed all night when I am 5. That would be great!" She says it so excitedly. That is, until I realize she seriously thinks that it really is a great idea and one that she apparently plans on seeing through. Almost every night, she climbs into our bed, throws off the pillows on Justin's side of the bed and proclaims that "she is getting her side of the bed ready." She has also informed me that it would "great" if we {as in me and her} could just sleep together every day from now on and daddy can sleep in her bed. Well, at least I can "rest" assured that I am so loved!