Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just a little something that brings me BIG joy...

Celebrating My Small Successes


A blog that I love to follow {you can find that blog here} encourages moms to regularly post about their "Small Successes" which ultimately can add up to huge triumphs in life. So here goes:

1. I am now regularly blogging to keep our extended family caught up on the craziness of our little life. It is bringing me great joy!

2. I went out and campaigned with Justin for 6+ hours. We talked to people, staked countless signs and arranged for many more to be put up. Hopefully, our hard work will pay off on election day!

3. After what seems like an eternity, I can simultaneously see the bottom of all our hampers AND it's all put away! I and it's amazing how completing such a seemingly meaningless task can be so liberating - yay me!

4. I got the girls to their barrage of cheerleading, dance, Karate, guitar, etc. practices/lessons and cookies delivered to Hannah's Quest class this week and all on time!

5. I got up and baked muffins for the kids for breakfast before school today, it made them so happy!

More from the Fashionista

I know, I know - but she's so cute!

And seriously, who wakes up this happy everyday!?!

Sophie's Old Guitar

This old guitar taught me how to sing a love song
It taught me how to laugh and how to cry
It introduced me to some friends of mine
And brightened up some days....
-John Denver

Sophie started guitar lessons this week! She is super excited as she has wanted to begin for some time now. She is strumming the strings of the very guitar that Justin first learned to play many years ago which she thinks is "very cool". She is keeping with her piano lessons too which has proven to be an asset as she jumped several books right away because she already knows how to read music.

Her teacher's name is Kayleigh and although she is younger, she owns eleven {yes 11} guitars and also plays piano, clarinet, flute, bass & violin!

With all the musicality going on in this house the Osmonds better watch out! Oh wait, I'd have to have like 5 more kids....on second thought never mind!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's step up.

Our Mission

Fixing America's public education system won't be easy -- but together, it's possible.

The Waiting for "Superman" social action campaign has one primary goal: to ensure that every child receives a great education. The campaign seeks to build public awareness, ignite personal involvement and inspire real social change.

The campaign's four core initiatives are:

  • Setting academic standards that are on par with the world's best
  • Recruiting and rewarding great teachers
  • Creating and nurturing excellent schools, and
  • Increasing literacy rates

The following pages are your toolkit for educational reform. Learn more about the Waiting For "Superman" initiatives below, and find ways to take action with our "Help Your School" and "Fix the System" tips throughout this site. Help our students get the quality education they deserve. Our country's future depends on it.

And every child deserves a great education.

Every child deserves a great teacher. In other industries, the best employees are acknowledged for their exceptional contributions. A career in teaching should be no different. We can produce world-class students only if we train and support world-class teachers. Read more
There's no question that our current educational system is failing our students. The statistics are staggering: among 30 developed countries, the U.S. is ranked 25th in math and 21st in science. We need to better prepare today's generation of students starting NOW. The future depends on it. Read more
A child's destiny should not be determined by his or her zip code. But throughout most of the U.S., students are assigned to public schools based upon where they live -- with few or no alternatives. And because of this, too many kids are forced to attend chronically failing schools. All students should have access to excellent schools, but more importantly, EVERY school should be excellent. Read more
Literacy is the number-one predictor of a child's ability to succeed in school. In fact, the majority of kids who read below grade level in first grade will most likely still read below grade level in the fourth grade and may never catch up. Tutoring, giving books, or simply reading to a child fights illiteracy... one book, one student at a time. Read more

Monday, September 27, 2010

I love Fall!

It is, perhaps, my most favorite time of year. I love ALL of the sights, sounds and smells that you associate with fall: the yummy smell of something baking in the oven, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot; the glorious wonder of the changing fall foliage; the crisp morning air that burns off into a pleasant afternoon sun; football {and football snacks, of course}; and getting to change out the wardrobe {bring on the sweaters and jackets}!

Today was one of those beautiful, Indian summer days {which I am sure are numbered} perfect for decorating the house!

A street view of our house.
The window boxes are a nice
pop of color against the brown.

Close up of the porch.

Our fall wreath that adorns the front door.

The window boxes full of mums,
sun flowers, leaves, berries and

Our little wagon full of pumpkins.
These beauties are from a neighbors
garden - how lucky are we!?!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Karate Kid

No, I'm not talking about the 80's blockbuster movie or even the summer smash hit remake. I'm talking about our very own karate kid. Mia started Karate this week and LOVES it! We love her enthusiasm and, perhaps most especially, all that karate can offer Mia: confidence, respect, self-discipline, agility and protection are just a few life skills she will be gaining. She is in the "Little Ninjas" class and their student creed {which they will recite during every class} is:

I WILL do things that are good for me and stay away from things that can hurt me.
I WILL be nice to my family and friends.
I WILL do my chores without having to be reminded.
I WILL use my karate to help people.

Their "Dojo Kun" (Japanese for school rules are):
1. Seek perfection of character
2. Be sincere and honest
3. Show strong spirit {she's got this one in the bag}
4. Practice courtesy
5. Control bad temper

Of course, we can't close without some shots of our "little ninja"!

Her "karate pose".
This is what I got when I wanted a
picture before we left for class.

In class and very focused.

Karate is so fun!

Practicing our moves.

"Yes Sensei!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We are "Gleeking Out" in this house!
Tonight is the season premier and we can't wait!

Game Day Cuties

Well, our beloved Wyoming Cowboys took a beating from BSU on Saturday but, they sure had some cute fans in the stands {along with 29,000 other people}! We had a great visit with our best friends, the Yeends and tons of fun tailgating where we got to see some old college friends! It was a great day {except for the loss}!

Spicer & Yeend kids

Sophie, Hannah, Mia & Bella
at War Memorial Stadium

The Budding Fashionista

Mia has always marched to the beat of her own drum. So, does it really surprise any of us that her fashion sense would be any different? She is developing quite the sense of style and is quite opinionated about it.

If you are going to pull off her style there are several key pieces you need in your wardrobe: boots (she has hot pink cowboy boots, black boots and brown boots); Chuck Taylors {don't they go with everything} again we have numerous pairs to compliment our many looks; lots of jewelry i.e. dangly or what we refer to as "move" earrings, tons of bracelets and a variety of necklaces; hair accessories: bows, flowers, scrunchies, etc.; crazy knee socks & leggings in any print and color you can find; a variety of jackets; lots of skirts and, finally, denim. Those are her current faves! Her are some shots of her school looks so far this year, what a cutie!

Rocker Chic.

Working the Tulle Skirt, Cheetah Leggings
& pink Chuck Taylors.

With my velvet jacket.

My floral shirt dress and denim capris.

Red poppies for "red day".

"Smart Girls Rule...Boys Drool"
that's my motto!

My cute dress which I wear with...
Chuck Taylors of course!

Jumping for joy over my cuteness!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Heading Down to Laramie Today

Today, our harem will be driving down to Laramie to watch the Wyoming vs. Boise State football game. It's sold-out, which means we're really going to be packed into our seats, and it also means that the every-15-minute trips to the restroom are going to have to be stretched out a bit. I think that the girls are going to banned from drinking anything for the four hours before the game. Dehydration might be better than the dirty looks we get from our neighbors when we have to squeeze past multiple times.

Our typical game-day packing includes the obligatory foam finger, brown-and-gold pompoms, binoculars, Hannah's epi-pen to combat the effects of the peanut dust in the air, jackets and sweatshirts (which Mom makes us take in but we all refuse to wear), cell phones to text family members sitting right next to us, Nintendos, hats, visors, gloves, snacks, etc. We will be ready for anything that comes, including a possible attack on the stadium, winter, and hunger.

With some luck, we'll come home tomorrow with a win, and hopefully some pictures of the excursion.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Campaign Sign

I just finished designing Justin's School Board Election campaign sign. I think it turned out pretty good and, most importantly, the candidate likes it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

A big day is upon us...the first day of school! We shopped, we labeled supplies, we packed backpacks, we packed lunches, we planned outfits, we primped and finally - we were out. the. door. Here are some highlights:

Treats for our new teachers!

Sophie - 5th grade

Hannah - 4th grade

Bella - 2nd grade

Mia - Kindergarten

Waiting for the bus...
{I was told that I would not be taking her -
she would ride the bus like a big girl!}

Sophie & her friend, Hannah

Hannah & her harem, oops, I mean her friends:
Parker, Hunter, Shane & Braden

Hannah & her besty, Braden

Bella at her 2nd grade desk.

Mia going in for her big day!