Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Karate Kid

No, I'm not talking about the 80's blockbuster movie or even the summer smash hit remake. I'm talking about our very own karate kid. Mia started Karate this week and LOVES it! We love her enthusiasm and, perhaps most especially, all that karate can offer Mia: confidence, respect, self-discipline, agility and protection are just a few life skills she will be gaining. She is in the "Little Ninjas" class and their student creed {which they will recite during every class} is:

I WILL do things that are good for me and stay away from things that can hurt me.
I WILL be nice to my family and friends.
I WILL do my chores without having to be reminded.
I WILL use my karate to help people.

Their "Dojo Kun" (Japanese for school rules are):
1. Seek perfection of character
2. Be sincere and honest
3. Show strong spirit {she's got this one in the bag}
4. Practice courtesy
5. Control bad temper

Of course, we can't close without some shots of our "little ninja"!

Her "karate pose".
This is what I got when I wanted a
picture before we left for class.

In class and very focused.

Karate is so fun!

Practicing our moves.

"Yes Sensei!"

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